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Dr. Manash Bhuyan |
2024 |
1. Bhuyan, M., Borah, A. Ageing Kinetics of Al-4.28Cu-1.60 Mg Alloy Micro-Alloyed with Titanium. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D 105, 305–311 (2024). (Scopus) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40033-023-00481-y 2. Bhuyan, M., Borah, A. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Correlation of Al-4.28Cu1.60 Mg Alloy Micro-Alloyed with Titanium. J. of Materi Eng and Perform 32, 11085–11106 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-023-07919-0 IF=2.2 |
2 |
Dr. Monoj Baruah |
2023-24 |
1. Monoj Baruah, and Kalyan Kalita, “Effect of Longitudinal and Lateral Holes on the Performance 157 of an Elliptical Pin Fin Heat Exchanger”, Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (8) 2023, 235-244 2. Baruah, M. and Borah, A. (2022) “Impact behaviour and fractography of 6061 alloy with Trace addition of Sn”, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 16(62), pp. 126–133. doi: 10.3221/IGFESIS.62.09. 3. M Baruah, A Borah, Structure–Property Correlation of Al–Mg–Si Alloys Micro-alloyed with Sn, International Journal of Metalcasting 16 (2), 924-944, 2022 4. I Hossain Mondal, M Baruah, N Dev Choudhury, Tribological characterisation of bio lubricant from cucurbita pepo L. seed oil, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 10 (2), 683- 699, 2024 (Taylor IF =2) |
3 |
Dr. Sudip Kr. Deb |
2023 |
1. S.K.Deb, R.K.Kakoti, P.Kakoty and H.Doloi, “Smart irrigation for sustainable rural development: a study of Nalbari Irrigation Circle”, Proceedings of 6th International conference on Smart Villages and Rural Development (COSVARD-2023), organized by University of Melbourne and AEC, Melbourne, 04-05 December, 2023. |
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Dr. Kalyan Kalita |
2023 |
1. Subhashis Choudhury, Sahul Muhique, Kalyan Kalita, Numerical Simulation of Submarine Hydrodynamics and Flow Field Analysis of Nose and Hull using Ansys Fluent, International journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT),Vol 11, Issue 6, ISSN:2320-2882, June 2023 |
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Dr. Niharendu Saha |
2023 |
1. Nabajit Dev Choudhury, Niharendu Saha,A Preliminary Investigation of Physichochemical, Rheological and Tribological Properties of Bio-lubricant from Thevetia Peruviana Oil, Tribology in Industry1342.07.22.10
2. Ajoy Sahu, Niharendu Saha, Comparative Investigation of Lubricant Properties of Pongamia and Castor Oil Bio Lubricant Blended with (SAE20W40) Mineral Oil, Tribology in Industry, 2024. DOI: 10.24874/ti.1659.04.24.07
3. Nabajit Dev Choudhury, Shubrajit Bhaumik, Niharendu Saha, Rupam Kataki, Investigating the tribological properties of TiO2 nanoparticles added Thevetia peruviana and Cucurbita pepo L. blend oils, Tribology International, 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2024.109769 |
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Dr. Jitul Baruah |
2023 |
1. Baruah Jitul, Bhargav Borah, Das Kalyan Kumar, 2023, “Study on Improvement of air quality in 156 Underground car parking area using jet fan”, I journal of Transport Engineering and applications, ISSN 2394-7284. doi of the journal: 10.37591/TTEA 2. Baruah Jitul, Himalay Sonowal, Das Kalyan Kumar, 2023, “ Experimental and Numerical Study of smoke flow Dynamics in a scaled down model of an underground car parking area by using jet fan ventilation system”, International journal of Transport Engineering and Traffic system, ISSN 2456-2343, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2023 DOI of the journal: 10.37628/IJTETS. |
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Dr. Manash Hazarika |
2023 |
1. Manash Hazarika, An improved genetic algorithm for the machine-part cell formation problem, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 14 (1) 206-219, 2023 Springer India 2. Manash Hazarika, “Sequential process machine cell formation with hybrid particle swarm optimization” International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), Springer Paris pages 1-13 |
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Prasanta Kumar Choudhury |
2023 |
1. Prasanta Kumar Choudhury, Niraj Kashyap & Biplab Das (2022), Application of TaguchiDEAR Method for Parametric Optimization of CI Engine with Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0836-1_7 2. P K Choudhury, M Kalita. (2022) The Problem of Groundwater Contamination in India: Its impact and Remedies. Theme: Groundwater: Making the invisible visible. World Water Day 22nd March 2022. Technical Volume cum Souvenir. Organized by: The Institution of Engineers (India) Assam State Centre. 3. B Chetia, P K Choudhury. (2022) Process Optimisation for CI Engine Characteristics with Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel. ICRAME 2022: 3rd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Silchar, Silchar, India, February 4-6, 2022. 4. Prasanta Kumar Choudhury, Deepjyoti Patowary and Jitumoni Kumar; “A Review on Hydrogen Fuel for a Cleaner Future”; 4th International Conference on Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME-2023); February 3-5, 2023; NIT-Silchar.[Book chapter by Springer (in press)] 5. Prasanta Kumar Choudhury and Marulina Kalita, “An Application of Multivariate Regression Analysis in Yield Optimisation of Biodiesel Synthesis from Used Sunflower Oil”. 4th International Conference on Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME-2023); February 3-5, 2023; NIT-Silchar. [Book Chapter by Springer (in press)] 6. Deepjyoti Patowary and Prasanta Kumar Choudhury; “Green Building for a Sustainable Future”; SOUVENIR- Assam Engineering College Alumni Association; Published on 25th February, 2023; ISBN: 978-93-83588-32-9. |
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Dr. Kalyan Kr Das |
2022-24 |
1. Koustuvmoni Bharadwaj, Das Kalyan Kumar, “A review of the reported technologies to segregate Municipal Soloid Waste into Dry and Wet based on their moisture”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering , ISSN: 2394-1987, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2022, DOI:10.3759/Joge.v9i3.6851 2. Deka Rupam, Das Kalyan Kumar, “Macro Flow Dynamic Study of Wind Around a Gable Roof Building with Openings”, International journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2582-2160 DOI: http://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2023 3. Baruah Jitul, Bhargav Borah, Das Kalyan Kumar, “Study on Improvement of air quality in Underground car parking area using jet fan”, I journal of Transport Engineering and applications, ISSN 2394-7284. doi of the journal: 10.37591/TTEA, 2023 4. Baruah Jitul, Himalay Sonowal, Das Kalyan Kumar, “ Experimental and Numerical Study of smoke flow Dynamics in a scaled down model of an underground car parking area by using jet fan ventilation system”, International journal of Transport Engineering and Traffic system, ISSN 2456-2343, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2023 DOI of the journal: 10.37628/IJTETS, 2023 5. Deka Rupam, Das Kalyan Kumar, Dipankar Das ,“ Numerical investigation0f cross ventilation flow in A Gable roof buildingwith asymmetric opening positions”, International journal integrated Research (eSCI), ISSN 2600-7916 DOI: http://doi.org/10.30880/ijie.20234.16.05.007, Vol. 16 no 5. pp 71-87,2024 6. Deka Rupam, Das Kalyan Kumar, Das Dipankar, Saikia Madhurjya , “A comparative study on the natural ventilation performance in buildings with different roof shapes”, International journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, E ISSN: 2146-0086 18(1), pp 32-44 (Web of science),2024 7. Koustuvmoni Bharadwaj, Das Kalyan Kumar, “ Segregation of Municipal Solid Waste Based on Their Biodegradability using Spectroscopy Sensor”, Journal of IEEE Sensor Letters (SCI-E and Scopus, ISSN :2475-1472, Vol 8, Issue 8, 2022 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LSENS.2024.3427351, 2024 8. K Bharadwaj, Das K K, “Rapid Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Spectroscopic Sensor”, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Taylor and Francis (SCI), 2024 |
10 |
Dr. Anil Borah |
2022-23 |
1. Baruah, M. and Borah, A. (2022) “Impact behaviour and fractography of 6061 alloy with Trace addition of Sn”, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 16(62), pp. 126–133. doi: 10.3221/IGFESIS.62.09. 2. Bhuyan and Anil Borah, “Ageing Kinetics of Al-4.28Cu-1.60Mg Alloy Micro-Alloyed with Titanium”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, published online: 12 April, 2023 3. Manash Bhuyan and Anil Borah, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Correlation of Al4.28Cu-1.60 Mg Alloy Micro-Alloyed with Titanium”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, © ASM International Published online 21 February, 2023 4. Hrishikesh Bhattacharyya, Anil Borah, U. K. Nath, “Effect of Partial Substitution of Cement by Steel Slag in Autoclave Aerated Concrete (AAC) Block” Paper ID: PID85, 4th International Conference on Recent Advancement of Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME) 2023, 03-05 February, 2023, NIT Silchar 5. M Baruah, A Borah, Structure–Property Correlation of Al–Mg–Si Alloys Micro-alloyed with Sn, International Journal of Metalcasting 16 (2), 924-944, 2022 |
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Dr. Pradip Baishya |
2022 |
1. Pradip Baishya, Nur Asif Ahmed,“Processing of agricultural waste for prevention of groundwater contamination” , P. G. Scholar at Institute of Engineers India (Assam State Centre) on 22nd March 2022. ISBN: 978-93-83588-31-2. 2. Pradip Baishya, Ashish Jain, Milan Priya Bora, Kapisha Goswami “Reduction of Ground water Contamination by Converting Plastic Waste to Plastic Lumber” Institute of Engineers India (Assam State Centre), 22nd March 2022 ISBN: 978-93-83588-31-2. |
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Dr. Devarshi Kashyap |
2022 |
1. Urbashi Bordoloi, Dudul Das, Devarshi Kashyap, Deepak Patwa, Plaban Bora, Harrison Hihu Muigai, Pankaj Kalita, Synthesis and comparative analysis of biochar based form-stable phase change materials for thermal management of buildings, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 55, Part D, 2022, 105801, ISSN 2352152X,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2022.105801.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc e/article/pii/S2352152X22017893) |
13 |
Mr Monoj Baruah |
2018 |
Monoj Baruah , Manash Borah ” Computational Investigation of Elliptical Pin Fin Heat Exchanger” National Conference On Recent Advances in Science and Technology, March 2018.
Bhupenjeet Deka, Monoj Baruah “A Thermal Behaviour Study on Tunnel Kiln and its Performance Analysis with its Energy Conservation Opportunities” National Conference On Recent Advances in Science and Technology, March 2018.
Pronuj Biswas, Monoj Baruah, Papul Changmai, Mrinal Krishna Chaudhury, Nabajit Dev Choudhary, “Partial Shading Analysis on Solar PV Module” National Conference On Recent Advances in Science and Technology, March 2018.
Basabi Goswami Hazarika, Ashwini Kumar Baruwa, Monoj Baruah “Design of a Biomass Gasification Plant for Electrification of Remote and Unelectrified Village Using Biomass as Raw material” National Conference On Recent Advances in Science and Technology, March 2018.
14 |
Mr Bashab J Phukan |
2017-2018 |
Bashab J Phukan, S.K.Deb,“Assessment of Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality in an Air Conditioned Room”, National conference on Science, Technology & Environment: Prospects and Limitations in the 21st Century (NCSTEPL-2017), BBEC, Kokrajhar, 2017.
Bashab J Phukan, S.K.Deb,“Reducing Energy Consumption through Evaporative Cooled Condenser under Air Conditioning System: A Review”, National conference on Non-conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and its Challenges, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati ,17-18 October, 2017.
Bashab J Phukan, S K Deb, “ Performance improvement of Split Air conditioner using evaporative cooling method in the climatic condition of Guwahati” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, e-ISSN:2395-0056, p-ISSN:2395-0072
Bashab J Phukan, Animesh Goswami, S K Deb, “ Assessment of Indoor air quality(IAQ) and thermal comfort with and without fresh air supply to a split air conditioner” National Conference on Recent Advances In Science and Technology(NCRAST-2018), March-2018.
15 |
Mr. Manash Bhuyan |
2017-2018 |
Manash Bhuyan, “Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Facility Layout Using Ant Colony Optimization”, The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol. X, Issue-4, pp.28-40, 2016, IUP Publication. Accepted in SSRN eLibrary, ELSEVIER copyright 2018.
Manash Bhuyan, et.al., “Renewable Energy Utilizations in India- Issues and Challenges”, proc. of National Conference on Non Conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and Its Challenges (NCEHTC-2017), jointly organized by Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering, AEC, Guwahati-13 on 17-18 Nov/2017, sponsored by AICTE under NEQIP.
Manash Bhuyan, et.al., “A Typical Approach to Design and Analysis of Foldable Bicycle”, The IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. XI, Issue-01, pp. 7-27, Feb/2018, IUP Publication.
16 |
Dr Dilip Bora |
2017 |
Bichitra Bikash, Dilip Kumar Bora, K Kalita, “Feasibility study of pumpkin seed oil as a viable feed stock for biodiesel production”, National Seminar on Petroleum Biotechnology and Bioenergy, 3-4 March 2017, Tezpur University.
Bichitra Bikash, N. D. Choudhury, Dilip Kumar Bora, K Kalita, “Physico-chemical assessment of pumpkin seed oil as a viable feed stock for biodiesel production”, Springer Proceedings in Energy, ISBN: 978-981-10-6106-6, 2017.
17 |
Dr Kalyan Kalita |
2017 |
Bichitra Bikash, Dilip Kumar Bora, K Kalita, “Feasibility study of pumpkin seed oil as a viable feed stock for biodiesel production”, National Seminar on Petroleum Biotechnology and Bioenergy, 3-4 March 2017, Tezpur University.
Bichitra Bikash, N. D. Choudhury, Dilip Kumar Bora, K Kalita, “Physico-chemical assessment of pumpkin seed oil as a viable feed stock for biodiesel production”, Springer Proceedings in Energy, ISBN: 978-981-10-6106-6, 2017.
S.Islam and K. Kalita (2017) “Assessment of Traffic Noise in Guwahati City, India”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Issue 04, Vol. 04, April 2017.
18 |
Dr. Kamal Brahma |
2017 |
Brahma K.K., Mahanta D. K. Blending properties of petro-diesel and biodiesel from the seeds of pongamia pinnata Material Today: Proceeding (Elsevier) Accepted.
Brahma K.K., Mahanta D. K. Performance analysis of CI engine using biodiesel from pongamia pinnata Int. Journal of Mech. Engg. and Technology, 8(1), 281-291, 2017, ISSN-0976-6359.
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Mr Jitul Baruah |
2017 |
Priyanka Nath, Jitul Baruah, “Feasibility Analysis of Regeneration of Silica Gel Used in Dehumidification Process of Air Conditioning by the Condenser Waste Heat of Air Conditioner”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 8 , August 2017, ISSN: 2350-0328. |
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Mr Juan Chowdhury |
2017 |
Juan Chowdhury, Gaurav Kumar, Karuna Kalita, Kari Tammi and Sashindra K Kakoty, Rakenteiden Mekaniikka, ‘’A review on linear switched reluctance motor’’, Journal of Structural Mechanics, Vol. 50, No3, 2017, pp. 261–270. https://rakenteidenmekaniikka.journal.fi/index https://doi.org/10.23998/rm.65121
Linear Switched Reluctance Actuator for Powerloom
Application Number: 201731045107
Priority Date :15/12/2017
High Force Density Quad Air Gap Switched Reluctance Motor
Application Number: 201731045006
Priority Date :14/12/2017 |
21 |
Dr Kalyan Kumar Das |
2016-2018 |
Das K.K. Das H.R, Ghosh A.K., Sinhamahapatra K.P, 2016, “ Damage Potential of Extreme wind events – Downburst and Tornado”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Technology ( ISSN: 2348-7887), Vol:6, no.2,pp 28-46, 2016.
Gogoi A, Das K K, 2016, Investigation of a Possibly EF2 Tornado That had occurred in the city of Shillong (India) on the 5th of April 2016”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Technology ( ISSN: 2348-7887), Vol:6, no.2,Case study,2016.
Das H.R, Das K.K, S. Jain.2016 “Optimization of slope for sloped roofed buildings under downburst wind flow using ANSYS”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (17-19 March 2016), Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India
Das H.R, Das K.K, S.Jain. 2016, “Effect of Downburst Windon Buildings with various Geometrical Shapes” International NAFEMS Conference on Engineering Analysis, Modeling, Simulation and 3D-Printing (NAFEMS-3D) – 2016” at Bangalore during 29-31 August 2016. Awarded as the best paper of the conference.
Das K.K., 2016, “Investigation of Damage Potential of Extreme Winds”, International Conference on Civil Engineering for sustainable Development –Opportunities and Challenges (CESDOC2016)”, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati-781013 from 19-21 December 2016 (Accepted).
Gogoi A, Das K.K., 2016, Wind related destructions in Eastern Part of India”, Proceedings of the National Seminar of “Green Energy- Prospects and Challenges” organized by Assam Science and Technology University held on 26th -27th April 2016 (ISBN:978-93-83588-11-4).
Das H.R, Das K.K., Ghosh A.K, 2016, “A Numerical Study of Wind induced external and internal flow fields on Prismatic building with wall openings”, Proceedings of the National Seminar of “Green Energy- Prospects and Challenges” organized by Assam Science and Technology University held on 26th -27th April 2016 (ISBN:978-93-83588-11-4).
Das H.R, Das K.K., Ghosh A.K, Pathak J.,2016, “Effect of downburst wind on buildings and interference effect”, Proceedings of the National Seminar of “Green Energy- Prospects and Challenges” organized by Assam Science and Technology University held on 26th -27th April 2016 (ISBN:978-93-83588-11-4).
Das H.R, Das K.K., Ghosh A.K, Pathak J.,2016, “Comparison of downburst and synoptic wind effects on prismatic building”, Proceedings of the National Seminar of “Green Energy- Prospects and Challenges” organized by Assam Science and Technology University held on 26th -27th April 2016 (ISBN:978-93-83588-11-4).
Das K.K. 2016, “ Survey report on Ferry disaster accident due to HWE” ,Proceedings of the National Seminar of “Green Energy- Prospects and Challenges” organized by Assam Science and Technology University held on 26th -27th April 2016 (ISBN:978-93-83588-11-4).
Das K.K., Das. N., 2016, “ Field Study of Tornado disaster in Bangladesh” ,Proceedings of the National Seminar of “Green Energy- Prospects and Challenges” organized by Assam Science and Technology University held on 26th -27th April 2016 (ISBN:978-93-83588
Das H.R., Das. K.K., 2016, “ A Numerical Study of wind induced internal and external fields on a low rise buildings with wall openings”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering opportunities in North East, held on 28-29th April 2016 at Royal School of Engineering and Technology.
Das H.R., Das. K.K., 2016, “Numerical Simulation of Downburst Wind”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering opportunities in North East, held on 28-29th April 2016 at Royal School of Engineering and Technology, Guwahati.
Das H.R, Das K.K, Numerical investigation of the downburst wind on buildings with various geometrical shape”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Technology (ISSN:2348-7887), Vol.7,no.2,pp34-41, 2017.
Deka R, Das K.K, Numerical investigation of unsteady incompressible viscous flow over flat plate having rectangular obstruction using vorticity stream function approach, International Journal of advance research in science and Technology(IJARSE)(ISSN:2319-8354, Vol.06,issue 11, 2017.
Das Kalyan Kumar, Das H.R, 2018, “Numerical investigation of macro flow dynamics of downburst wind over buildings and the interference effect” Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Technology ( ISSN: 2348-7887) Vol-8,No1.
Das H.R, Das K.K, 2018, “Investigation of flow dynamics of downburst wind” in the proceedings of the Nation Seminar of Wind Engineering (NSWE2018) organized by PCPS Girls polytechnic, Guwahati and Indian society of Wind Engineering (ISWE) and sponsored by NEQIP program of AICTE on 8-9th February 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-83588-15-2 )
H.R Das, Das K.K, Ghosh A.K,2018,” A numerical study of wind induced external and internal flow field within wall openings” in the proceedings of the Nation Seminar of Wind Engineering (NSWE2018) organized by PCPS Girls polytechnic, Guwahati and Indian society of Wind Engineering (ISWE) and sponsored by NEQIP program of AICTE on 8-9th February 2018 (ISBN :978-93-83588-15-2 )
Das K.K, Bhattacharyya H.K, 2018, “ Wind related disaster in Assam” in the proceedings of the Nation Seminar of Wind Engineering (NSWE2018) organized by PCPS Girls polytechnic, Guwahati and Indian society of Wind Engineering (ISWE) and sponsored by NEQIP program of AICTE on 8-9th February 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-83588-15-2 )
Bhattacharyya H.K, Das K.K, 2018 “ Propeller design- a theoretical approach of HAWT blade design” in the proceedings of the Nation Seminar of Wind Engineering (NSWE2018) organized by PCPS Girls polytechnic, Guwahati and Indian society of Wind Engineering (ISWE) and sponsored by NEQIP program of AICTE on 8-9th February 2018 (ISBN :978-93-83588-15-2 )
Das K. K., Bhattacharyya H. K, 2018, “ Damage potential of extreme wind” in the proceedings of the Nation Seminar of Wind Engineering (NSWE2018) organized by PCPS Girls polytechnic, Guwahati and Indian society of Wind Engineering (ISWE) and sponsored by NEQIP program of AICTE on 8-9th February 2018 (ISBN :978-93-83588-15-2 )
Das K.K., Ghosh A.K, 2018, “ Numerical and experimental simulation of downburst wind” in the proceedings of the Nation Seminar of Wind Engineering (NSWE2018) organized by PCPS Girls polytechnic, Guwahati and Indian society of Wind Engineering (ISWE) and sponsored by NEQIP program of AICTE on 8-9th February 2018(ISBN: 978-93-83588-15-2 )
Das P.P, Das K.K, 2018, “ Numerical investigation of fluid flow inside a rectangular driven cavity” in the proceedings of the Nation Seminar of Wind Engineering (NSWE2018) organized by PCPS Girls polytechnic, Guwahati and Indian society of Wind Engineering (ISWE) and sponsored by NEQIP program of AICTE on 8-9th February 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-83588-15-2 )
Das K.K, 2018, “CFD in building design” as invited speaker at the National Conference on Recent advances in Science and Technology (NCRAST 2018 ) organized by Assam Science and Technology University on 15-17th March 2018 at Guwahati under TEQIP-III.
22 |
Mr Piyush Singh |
2016-2018 |
Piyush Singh, Pankaj Biswas, Sachin D Kore, Finite Element and Experimental Study of Self-Reacting Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloy AA6061-T6, 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, 2016, Excel India, Vol. ISBN: 978-93-86256-27-0, pp 967-971.
Piyush Singh, Pankaj Biswas, Sachin D. Kore, A three-dimensional fully coupled thermo-mechanical model for Self-reacting Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium AA6061 sheets, 2016, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 759, pp. 012047.
Piyush Singh, Pankaj Biswas, Sachin D. Kore, Finite Element Method and Experimental Study of Self-Reacting Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloy AA6061-T6, “Simulations for Design and Manufacturing -Select Papers from AIMTDR 2016” (editors: U.S. Dixit and R. Kant), Springer. (accepted for publication).
Avinish Tiwari, Piyush Singh, Pankaj Biswas and S D Kore, Effect of Traverse Speed on Friction Stir Welding of AISI 1006 Low Carbon Steel, International Congress 2017 of the International Institute of Welding (IIW-IC 2017), 7-9 December 2017, Chennai, Paper no. C086, pp. 340-345.
A. Tiwari, P. Singh, P. Biswas, S.D. Kore, Friction Stir Welding of AISI 1006 Low Carbon Steel, INCOM18: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Jadavpur University Kolkata India January 4 – 6, 2018 Paper No. INCOM18-211, pp. 530-533.
Piyush Singh, Pankaj Biswas, Sachin D. Kore, Influence of Traverse Speed in Self-Reacting FSW of AA6061-T6, Journal of Ship Production and Design (accepted for publication).
23 |
Dr Plabon Kakoti |
2016-2017 |
Hazarika D P, Kakoti P, Deb S K; “Energy Recovery from the Waste Air Available in the Withering Trough under Tea Manufacturing Process”; Souvenir Cum Technical Volume, All India Seminar on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Organised by The Institution of Engineers (India) Assam State Centre, 21-22 October, 2016, Page 66—69
Dutta A.K., Kakoti P, Deb S K; “Identifying Cost Factors of Black Tea Manufacturing using Pareto and Ishikawa Diagram” ”; Souvenir Cum Technical Volume, All India Seminar on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Organised by The Institution of Engineers (India) Assam State Centre, 21-22 October, 2016, Page 95-100
Kakoti P, Barua P B, Deb S K; “Development of a Performance Index for the Energy Management (SPIENG) of Tea Gardens using System Dynamics Causal Model”, Souvenir, National conference on Non-conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and its Challenges, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati ,17-18 October, 2017; , Page 6—17
Deb S K , Kakoti P; “Opportunities on Energy Research under Smart City Initiation”, Souvenir, National conference on Non-conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and its Challenges, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati ,17-18 October, 2017; , Page 18-21
24 |
Dr D K Mahanta |
2016-2017 |
Manoj Bardaloi, D K Mahanta, Production of pyrolysis oil from Areca tree using a fixed bed reactor; Journal of Engineering Research (Published by Academic Publication Council of Kuwait University); Yr 4, Vol 2; June 2016.
Sarmi Dev Sarma and D K Mahanta, Production and property study of bio-diesel from Olive oil, National Conference on Non- Conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and Its Challenges, Nov 2017.
Neelam Goswami, D K Mahanta, Waste to Energy (WTE) in Assam: Scope and Challenges; National Conference on Non- Conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and Its Challenges, Nov 2017.
Banashri Gagoi, D K Mahanta, Thermoeconomic analysis of a power plant, National Conference on Non- Conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and Its Challenges, Nov 2017.
Kamal Brahma, D K Mahanta, National Conference on Non- Conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and Its Challenges, Nov 2017.
25 |
Mr Prasanta K Choudhury |
2016-2017 |
Mazarbhuiya R.M., Choudhury P. K., Rahang M., “Taguchi Grey Relational based Multi Objective Optimization of Process Parameters in Electro Discharge Machining of Aluminium with Copper electrode”, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER), Volume 3, Issue 13. October-December, 2016.
Sarmah. P., Choudhury.P.K., “Opimisationofoperating process parameters for minimization of pressure development in oil pipeline due to wax deposition using Taguchi method”, Souvenir cum technical volume of All India seminar on recent trends in mechanical engineering, 21-22nd October, 2016.
Mazarbhuiya R. M., Choudhury P. K., Patowari P. K., “An Experimental Study onParametric Optimization for Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness on EDM by using Taguchi Method”,7th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2017), Materials Today Proceedings.(in press)
Mazarbhuiya R. M., Choudhury P. K., “Multi-Objective Optimization of EDM Process Parameters using Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis for Aluminium Work Material with Copper Electrode”, International Research Journal OF Engineering and Technology (IRJET),Volume 4, issue 9 September, 2017.
A.Pathak, P.K. Choudhury and R.K.Dutta (2017) \"Taguchi-grey relational based multi-objective optimization of process parameters on the emission and fuel consumption characteristics of a VCR petrol engine\", 7th International conference on Material Processing and characterization, ICMPC-2017, 17-19 March, 2017.
26 |
Dr. Pradip Baishya |
2016-2017 |
Waste composting a sustainable practice. Published on International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology. ISSN (online): 2349-6010 Volume 2 | Issue 11 | April 2016.
A Comprehensive Study on Domestic Source of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) of Guwahati City in North-East India: Generation Trend and Characterization. Conference paper presented on International Conference on Waste Management (RECYCLE 2016) at IIT, Guwahati, India.
Modelling Affordable Waste Management Solutions for India. Conference paper presented on International Conference on Waste Management (RECYCLE 2016) at IIT, Guwahati, India.
Waste Segregation and Composting. Conference paper presented on National Seminar on Green Energy- Prospects and Challenges at Assam Science & Technology University, April, 2016. ISBN 9789383588-11-4.
Eco Design in Waste Management. Conference paper presented on National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering: Opportunities In North-east India at Royal Group of Institution, Guwahati, April, 2016.
Presented paper on Recycling of Waste Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) at the All India Seminar on “Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering” on 21-22 October, 2016 at Institute of Engineers (India) Assam State Centre, Guwahati.
Presented paper on Solid Waste Management for Smart Cities at the All India Seminar on “Tackling Urban Environmental Concerns in Upcoming Smart Cities of our Country” on 25-26 October, 2016 at Institute of Engineers (India) Assam State Centre, Guwahati.
Source Segregation of Municipal Solid Waste. Paper presented on International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development – Opportunities and Challenges, at Assam Engineering College held from 19th to 21st December 2016 in Guwahati, Assam, India.
Paper presented on Case Study of Critical Operational and Maintenance Problem of a Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant at National Conference on Non Conventional Energy: harvesting Technology and Its Challenges from 17th -18th November, 2017 at Assam Engineering College, Assam, India.
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Mr Devarshi Kashyap |
2016-2017 |
D. Kashyap and S. Kanagaraj; Development of nano-barium sulfate filled shape memory polymer composite for endovascular embolization.; Indo-Australian conference on biomaterials, tissue engineering, drug delivery system and Regenerative medicine (BiTERM-2016), April 2016
D.Kashyap and S.Kanagaraj; Shape memory polymers for morphing wings; International Workshops, Conferences and Expo for Military and Marine Applications.; (IWCEM 2016), June 2016.
D.Kashyap and S. Kanagaraj; Radiopaque shape memory polymers for minimally invasive embolization.; National conference on Emerging Biomaterials (NCEB-2016), October 2016.(Awarded best oral presentation.)
D. Kashyap and S Kanagaraj; 3D printed Shape memory polyurethane foam for endovascular embolization; 6th Asian Biomaterials Congress (ABMC6), October 2017
Book Chapter
D. Kashyap and S. Kanagaraj; Injectable biomaterials for endovascular applications in “Advances in Polymer Materials and Technologies”; edited by Prof. Sri Bandyopadhyay and S. Anandhan, CRC press. (ISBN 9781498718813)
Devarshi Kashyap, Charan Mukundan, S Kanagaraj; Manufacturing and characterization of shape memory polymer and composites.; Primary and Secondary Manufacturing |
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Dr S K Deb |
2016 - 2018 |
Sanchari Deb, S.K.Deb,“Comparative Analysis of Different Micro Energy Resources under Distributed Generation”, Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences, ISSN: 2249 - 6297 Vol. 5 No. 1, pp.40-42, 2016.
Bashab J Phukan, S.K.Deb,“Assessment of Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality in an Air Conditioned Room”, National conference on Science, Technology & Environment: Prospects and Limitations in the 21st Century (NCSTEPL-2017), BBEC, Kokrajhar, 2017.
Manash Bhuyan, Jitul Baruah, S.K.Deb, “Renewable Energy Utilization in India- Issues and Challenges”, National conference on Non-conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and its Challenges, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati ,17-18 October, 2017.
Bashab J Phukan, S.K.Deb,“Reducing Energy Consumption through Evaporative Cooled Condenser under Air Conditioning System: A Review”, National conference on Non-conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and its Challenges, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati ,17-18 October, 2017.
S Choudhury, M J Das, M M Deb Sarma, S K Deb, “Design and Development of Efficient and Cost Effective Solar Cooker”, National conference on Non-conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and its Challenges, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati ,17-18 October, 2017.
Bashab J Phukan, S K Deb, “ Performance improvement of Split Air conditioner using evaporative cooling method in the climatic condition of Guwahati” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, e-ISSN:2395-0056, p-ISSN:2395-0072
Bashab J Phukan, Animesh Goswami, S K Deb, “ Assessment of Indoor air quality(IAQ) and thermal comfort with and without fresh air supply to a split air conditioner” National Conference on Recent Advances In Science and Technology(NCRAST-2018), March-2018
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Dr R K Dutta |
2016 - 2018 |
A Pathak, P K Choudhury, R K Dutta, “Taguchi-grey relational based multi-objective optimization of process parameters on the emission and fuel consumption characteristics of a VCR petrol engine”, 7th international conference on materials processing and characterization (ICMPC) 17-19 March 2017.
Apurba Pathak, P K Choudhury, R K Dutta, “Taguchi-Grey Relational Based Multi-Objective Optimization Of Process Parameters On The Emission And Fuel Consumption Characteristics Of A VCR Petrol Engine”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Article reference MATPR4355 (In Press dated 11.12.2017).
Tribeny Roy and R K Dutta, \\\"Integrated Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS methods for multi-objective optimization of Electro Discharge Machining process\\\", Accepted for publication in Soft Computing (Springer), Ref: Ms. No. SOCO-D-18-00139R2, 2018.
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Dr Anil Bora |
2016 |
Author: S. K. Rajbongshi, K. Saikia, D. Baruah, P. Rajkhowa, S. Deka, A. Borah, Effect of welding parameters on mechanical properties in MIG Welding of 1050 grade aluminium alloys, Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials, Design and Manufacturing Process, ICMDM ’16, February 17-19, 2016, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA. [Paper ID 4984], 2016.
Authors: A. Dhar, A, Saikia, M.K. Barman, N. Kashyap, A. Borah, A Comparative Study of CNC Milling of Aluminium using Flood Coolant and Air Cooled Machining, Proceedings AICTE Sponsored National Conference on Innovative Trends in Mechanical & Automobile Engineering [ITMAE-2016], 11–12 February, 2016, MVSR Engineering College, Hyderabad, Page 71—74, 2016.
Authors: Nilav J. Sarma, Anil Borah, U.S. Dixit, Analytical and Experimental Investigations on Temperature Distribution I Laser Line Heating, Souvenir Cum Technical Volume, All India Seminar on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Organised by The Institution of Engineers (India) Assam State Centre, 21-22 October, Page 1—8, 2016.
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Dr Niharendu Saha |
2016 |
Rejah, R. A., Baishya, P., Saha, N., Roy, R. L. B., “A comprehensive study on Domestic Source of municipal solid waste of Guwahati city in North East India : Generation trend and characterization” International Conference on Waste Management, IIT Guwahati, 1-2 April, 2016. |
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Dr Abhimanyu Kar |
2016 |
Abhimanyu Kar and Prasanta Kumar Das, “Entrainment Caused by a Single Bubble Passing Through Liquid-liquid Interface in Unconfined Space” 9th International Conference of Multiphase Flow, Firenze, Italy, 2016
Roshmi Sen, Abhimanyu Kar and Nishith Ranjan Mandal “Transformable bunk beds in twin bed and workspace configuration\" Indian patent no. 973/KOL/2014, published in 2016, pending for final grant. |
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Dr Manjuri Hazarika |
2015-2018 |
U. S. Dixit, M. Hazarika and J. P. Davim, ‘A Brief History of Mechanical Engineering’, Series Title: Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2017.
M. Hazarika and U. S. Dixit, ‘Setup Planning for Machining’, Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 2015.
Book Chapter:
Uday S. Dixit, Manjuri Hazarika and J. Paulo Davim, “History of Production and Industrial Engineering through Contributions of Stalwarts”, Book Chapter in ‘Manufacturing Engineering Education’, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780081012475, 2018.
International and National Journal and Conference papers:
Anubhav Goswami, Anamitra Phukan, Abhishek Goswami, Manjuri Hazarika, “Prediction of Surface Roughness in Milling Using Regression Analysis’’, Research Conclave’18, Students’ Academic Board, I I T Guwahati, 8-11 March, 2018.
A. Goswami, M. Hazarika, “A Review of Rural Electrification in Assam Using Solar Energy Through Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG)”, National Conference on Non-conventional Energy: Harvesting Technology and its Challenges, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati ,17-18 October, 2017.
A. Goswami, A. Phukan, A. Borah, M. Hazarika, “Solar Energy Utilization in Raj Bhawan and Bijulee Bhawan, Guwahati: A Case Study”, National Exhibition & Conference on New and Renewable Energy, ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET), 6-7 October, 2017.
B. Sarma, K. Borah, B. Saikia, A. Dhar, M. Hazarika, ‘An Experimental Study on Burr Formation in Miilling’, All India Seminar on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 22–26, The Institution of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Guwahati, 21–22 October, 2016.
N. Saha, D. Talukdar, K. Upadhaya, C. Barbhuiya, M. Hazarika, ‘An Experimental Study on Burr Formation in Turning’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, pp. 3215–3222, 2016.
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Mr Manas Hazarika |
2015-2017 |
Manash Hazarika and Dipak Laha. Machine-Part Cell Formation for Maximum Grouping Efficacy Based on Genetic Algorithm. IEEE, Workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions (WCI) 2015. DOI: 10.1109/WCI.2015.7495521.
Manash Hazarika and Dipak Laha. A Heuristic approach for Machine Cell Formation problems with Alternative Routings. Procedia Computer Science 89: 228-242. December 2016.
Dipak Laha and Manash Hazarika. A heuristic approach based on Euclidean distance matrix for the machine-part cell formation problem. Materials today: proceedings 4(2): 1442-1451 · December 2017.
Manash Hazarika and Dipak Laha. Genetic Algorithm approach for Machine Cell Formation with Alternative Routings. Materials Today: Proceedings (in press).
Soumyabrata Bhattacharjee & Manash Hazarika. Formation of machine-part cells using assignment allocation algorithm. IEEE, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial, Automation and Management Systems (AMIAMS-2017). DOI 10.1109/AMIAMS.2017.8069213.
Manash Hazarika and Dipak Laha. Application of Genetic Algorithm in Generalized Machine Cell Formation Problem. IEEE, International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS 2017) (in press).
Mustafa Ahmed, Manash Baishya, Sasanka Sharma and Manash Hazarika. Determination of accuracy of winding deformation method using kNN based classifier used for 3 MVA transformers. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science (in press).
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Mr Subhransu Sekhar Mallick |
2014 |
S .S Mallick, P Mahanta, A Mahapatro, “Studies on Total and Radiative heat transfer in Circulating Fluidized Beds”, 11th International conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology, Page. 447-453, May 14-17,2014, Beijing, China. (Scopus indexed).
A Mahapatro, P Mahanta, S.S Mallick, “Numerical Studies on Simulation of Gas-Solid flow in a pressurized circulating fluidized bed riser”, 11th International conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology, Page . 323-328,May 14-17, 2014, Beijing, China. Isbn no: 978-7-122-20169-0 (Scopus indexed).