Department of Mechanical Engineering
Assam Engineering College


Doctoral Program (Ph.D)

Engineering research helps to identify, assess, and collate all the technical information that one can find. Research can be used to break down concepts into main ideas and then apply strategies and techniques that one may have learned to create workable solutions.
The doctoral program (Ph.D) in mechanical engineering department was started with an objective to promote research in the field of mechanical engineering that includes material science, computational fluid mechanics, computational wind engineering, manufacturing technology, tribology, bio fuels, management and other specialised field of mechanical engineering. The department is well equipped laboratory to promote research. The program ids affiliated to ASTU. The admission to Ph.D program is through GATE or the joint entrance examination conducted by Assam Science and Technology University. Mechanical Engineering department is an approved research centre under ASTU. The doctoral students of mechanical engineering department already published their articles in quality journals with high impact factor and all are well placed.
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Our Address

Mechanical Engineering Department

Assam Engineering College, Jalukbari
Guwahati-781013, Assam, India
Email: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

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